Tuesday 22 December 2020

27. Parliament-Structure Role and Importance


27. Parliament-Structure Role and Importance


Q 1. Write the literary meaning of the word 'Parliament'.

Ans. The word Parliament is derived from the French word ‘Parler’, which means to have conversation. Parliament is a place where people converse and discuss national and international issues.


Q 2. Why is the government responsible to the Parliament?

Ans. The government can exist only till the time it enjoys the majority in the Parliament.


Q 3. How is a law formed in the Parliament?

Ans. The bills can be introduced in either of the houses of Parliament. After the approval of both the houses and the President, the bill becomes a law.



Q 4. How the government is formed after the Lok Sabha elections?

Ans. The political party which gets majority in the elections, forms the government.


Q 5. Write the main features of the Parliamentary government.

Ans. 1. Difference between nominated and real executive.

2.   Leadership of the Prime Minister.

3.   The responsibility of government towards Parliament.


Q 6. What is meant by ‘Hung Parliament’?

Ans. When single political party does not get absolute majority in the Lok Sabha elections, it is called ‘Hung Parliament’.









Answer the following questions in 50-60 words:-


Q 7. Why has only the Parliamentary form of government been implemented in India?

Ans. 1. Indian people had the knowledge about Parliamentary government.

2.       This form of government was the first choice of the constitutional committee.

3.   This system is based on responsibility.

4.   People can change the government whenever desired.


Q 8. Discuss the role of the President and the Prime Minister in a Parliamentary form of government.

Ans. 1. Role of President: - The President of India is the constitutional head of the country. He has executive, judicial and legislative powers. But actually, he uses these powers on the advice of Prime Minister and his council of ministers.

2.      Prime Minister: The Prime Minister is the most powerful person in government of India. He is a pivot of the entire administration. The actual use of powers lies with the Prime Minister.


Q 9. Write the responsible factors for the fall of the position of Parliament.

Ans. 1. Up to 10 laws are passed in a single day without proper discussion.

2.   Doubts on the integrity of the Speaker.

3.   Absence of members from the meetings of Parliament.


Q 10. Give necessary suggestions for the improvement of the position of Parliament.

Ans. 1. Laws should only be passed after proper discussion.

2.   Speaker should be neutral.

3.   Members should be present in the meetings of Parliament.


Q 11. Write the composition of Indian Parliament.

Ans. Indian Parliament consists of two houses: - Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by people. The members of Rajya

sabha are indirectly elected by members of the legislative bodies of the states. The maximum strength of Lok sabha is 545 and for Rajya Sabha it is 250.

Fill in the Blanks:-


1.   A total number of members in the Lok Sabha is 545.

2.   The total number of members in the Rajya Sabha is 250.

3.   13 members are elected for the Lok Sabha from Punjab.

4.   35 years of age is necessary to become the President of India.

5.  Parliamentary form of government is also known as democratic government.

6.   The finance bill can only be presented in the Lok Sabha.


Put a tick () against the right and a cross (X) against the wrong answer.

1.  One third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every two years.                                                                                                        ()

2.   There is a deep relationship between the executive and the Legislature in Parliamentary form of government.                             ()

3.  Prime Minister is national head in a Parliamentary form of government. ()

4.  The laws enacted by the Parliament are the supreme.                   ()


Multiple Choice Questions:-


1.                How many members can be nominated for the Rajya Sabha by the President?

A) 8                                     B) 12 ()

C) 02                               D) 10

2.                How many members are elected for the Rajya Sabha from Punjab?

A) 11                                B) 13

C) 07 ()                               D) 02


3.   Who resolves the difference between both the houses of Parliament?

A)   Speaker                       B) Prime Minister

C) President ()                  D) Vice President






(A) Fill in the Blanks:

1. The total number of members in the Lok Sabha is------.

 2. The total number of members in the Rajya Sabha is----------.

3. -------members are elected for the Lok Sabha from Punjab.

4. --------years of age is necessary to become the President of India. 5. Parliamentary Form of government is also known as government. 6. The Finance Bill can only be presented in the  

(B) Put a tick against the Right and a cross against the wrong (x):

1. 1-3rd of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every two years.

2. There is a deep relationship between the Executive and the Judiciary in Parliament Form of Government.

3. Prime Minister is National Head in a Parliamentary Form of Government.

4. The laws enacted by the Parliament are the Supreme.

(C) Multiple Choice Question:

1. Flow many members ran be nominated for the Rajya Sabha by the President?

(A) 8                           (B) 12

(C) 02                           (D) 10


2. Haw many members are elected for the Rajya Sabha from the Punjab?

(A) 11                                            (B) 13

(C) 7                                                (D) 02  

3. Who resolves the differences between both the Houses of Parliament?

(A) Speaker                      (B) Prime Minister

(C) President                     (D) Vice President

(D) Answer the following questions in not more than 15 words:

1. Write the word meaning of the Parliament.

2. Why is the government responsible to the Parliament?

3. How is a law formed in the Parliament?

4. How is the government formed after the Lok Sabha elections?

5. Write the main features of the Parliamentary government.

6. What is meant by hung Parliament?

(E) Answer the following questions in 50.60 words:

1. Why has only the Parliamentary form of government been Implemented in India?

2. Discuss the role of the President and the Prime Minister in a Parliamentary form of government.

3. Write the responsible factors for the fall of the position of Parliament

4. Give necessary suggestions for the Improvement of the position of Parliament.

5. Write the composition of Indian Parliament.


View the news on the T.V. Know about the proceeding of the Parliament and discuss it with the teacher after watching carefully.