Friday 26 February 2021

Chapter 5 Animal Ethics


Chapter 5 Animal Ethics


The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

                                                                                Mahatma Gandhi



5.1 The companionship of man and animal

Dear children, the relationship between human and animal is very old. From the very beginning of civilization, animals have always been available for human life in the form of protectors, coworkers and sometimes as their best friends.

Name some of the animals that are old companions of man and also tell how man used them in ancient times.


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Children, the reason for this association of human being and animals is not just the benefits we get from the animals as these speechless creatures have not only divided our work but they have also been our companions in our pleasures and pains. Do you know that animals are just like us in many ways?

Let's try to find out the similarities between the human and animal world by filling the blanks given below.

Word Box

Pain, Family, Love, Breathe, Happy, Cherish, Cry


1. Animals_______ in the way of human beings.

2.  They feel____________ just like human beings.

3. They get______ just like us.

4. Animals also_____ when they are in pain.

5. They have a______like human beings.

6. They_____and_______ others just like us.

We came to know that animals are just like us in many ways. They too have emotions, memory and the ability to learn to some extent but we are not completely alike. Nature has provided some qualities more to us and some to the animal world. Can you tell that:-

1. In what ways are animals inferior to us?

2. Which qualities do animals have more than us?


Children, the earth is not just our planet, nature has made it common to humans, flora, fauna, birds and many other kinds of living beings. As man is the best creation of nature because of his mental power, it is his duty to respect and take care of all the living beings on earth.

5.2 Every creature is special

Dear children, in older times man lived very close to nature but the development of civilization and the race of modernity have taken us far away from the rest of the living beings on earth and the natural environment.

1. While discussing in class, look for the animals and creatures you see around you.

2. Out of the creatures you see around you, write down the animals you like or dislike stating the reasons behind it.


I like




I dislike























Children, we like or dislike most of the animals or creatures because of their appearance or certain qualities which is not correct. If we look in-depth, every creature or object has an important role in nature. Try to find at least one quality or benefit of the animals/creatures you disliked and note it down in the following space.

Discuss in the class if you still have the same thoughts about the animals/creatures that you disliked for some reason.

5.3 Human purpose versus animal

Dear children, this is the age of machines. Today machines do the work for which we used to depend directly on animals in the past. But our dependence on animals has not completely disappeared. Can you tell for which purposes animals are used these days?

What do you take from animals?






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Obtained item

Is it right to get that thing?





Animals have always been used for human purposes. There are so many things which we can get without harming them but many things can't be obtained harmlessly. We must find another alternative to such things. If it is very important then we must be careful to minimize harm to them. We must remember that animals are living beings just like us, not the machines to give us products. They feel happiness and sorrow. They also love their children and feel as much grief as we do, on getting separated from their families. Like us, animals also have a strong desire to live.


Answer the following questions keeping in view the inconvenience caused to animals by human activities and their relationship with human beings:

Q.1. Have the animals being benefitted or harmed with their usage by humans? Give arguments for your answer.


Q.2. What right does man have to use animals for human purposes?


Q.3. Should animals have the right to live in their natural environment?


Q.4. Explain the damage done to animals by human development and modernization.


World Health Day is celebrated on October 4 every year to raise the status of animals in our society.

There are many organizations working for the welfare and protection of animals. Try to find out some of these organizations working in India and the work they do.

5.4 Responsibility towards animals and their safety

Dear children, the major difference between human beings and animals is that animals are not selfish. They do not harm us unless they feel threatened by us, but the human being is so selfish that without understanding the feelings of the animals he uses them, imprisons them and even kills them many times.

1. Read the following sentences and explain what is going wrong with that animal or bird and how it can be stopped.

1. Parrot imprisoned in a cage

2. Animals wandering/roaming on the roads


3. Testing of medicines on rates, rabbits etc.

4. Injured birds with kite strings.

5. Mules, camels and other animals carrying heavy loads.


6. Poultry raised for meat and eggs.

7. Animals used in circus.

Children, it is our fundamental duty under the constitution to have compassion for all living beings. In addition to this India has enacted laws for the protection of animals, such as the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, which make cruelty to animals a punishable offence.

2. Read the following sentences and complete the story according to you.

Mayank was taking a walk with his friend Kirat. Suddenly he heard a puppy crying on the road. He saw some naughty children teasing a puppy. The puppy was injured.


Share your story with other students in the class.


Special suggestions from the teacher to the student