Tuesday 22 December 2020

12. Rural Life and Society


12. Rural Life and Society

Q 1. Who, When and where started Permanent System?

Ans. Lord Cornwallis started Permanent Settlement in Bengal in 1793 AD.

 Q 2. Who when and where introduced Rayatwari system?

Ans. The British officer Thomas Munro started Rayatwari System in Madras and Mumbai in 1820 AD.


Q 3. In which three areas Mahalwari System was implemented?

Ans. In Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and some territories of Madhya Pradesh.


Q 4. How the commercialization of agriculture started?

Ans. After the establishment of the British rule in India the farmers had to pay fixed land revenue on fixed time. So, farmers started growing crops to sell in the market to get maximum money. Thus, there started the commercialization of agriculture.


Q 5. Which were the commercial crops?

Ans. Wheat, cotton, oil seeds, sugarcane, jute etc.


Q 6. Mention two benefits of commercialization of agriculture.

Ans. 1. Many new type of crops were grown and income of farmers increased.

2. Means of transportation were developed. Therefore, the farmers could easily reach the market.


Q 7. Mention two losses of commercialization of agriculture.

Ans. 1. The farmers used to cultivate through traditional means. But, in the market they had to compete with the America, Australia and European crops. That's why the farmers could not be benefited more.

2. The farmers had to sell their crops through money lenders, who did not give full value of their crops.


(A) Answer the following questions:

1. Who when and where, started permanent system?

2. Who when and where introduced Ryatwari system?

3. In which three areas Mahalwari system implemented?

4. How the commercialization of agriculture started?

5. Which were the commercial crops?

6. Mention two benefits of commercialization of agriculture.

7. Mention two losses of commercialization of agriculture.

 8. What was permanent settlement, What were the economic effects of this system?

 9. Write a short note on commercialization of agriculture. 10. Write a note on Indigo-revolt.

11. Write a short note on mahalwari system. 12. Write down the benefits of ryatwari system.

(B) Fill in the Blanks:

1. The contractors------   the farmers.

2. The --- became land owners due to Permanent Settlement.

3. Zimidars committed --- with the farmers.

4.   ------was the main occupation of the Indians before the British rule.

(C) Match the Words:

   (A)                                                   (B)

1. Waran Hastings                            Permanent Settlement

2. Lord Cornwallis                            Ryatwari System

3. Thomas Munro                              Permanent Settlement



Dear students! When the commercialization of agriculture was done then give more benefit to the farmers, to remove the shortcomings in it, which demands could have been put by the Indian farmer before the Britishers ? Discuss it with any farmer or your parents and collect then suggestions.

(D).Write 'True' or `False' in the brackets given after each statement:

1. Due to British rule self-sufficiency of the village economy got much benefit in India.

2. Mahalwari System was made with whole community of the village. CD

3. The Britishers implemented sale rule according the Permanent Settlement in Bengal.